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God Inhabits The Praises Of His People

Writer: ray7657ray7657

A very special and Spirit filled time this past Saturday with the Long Beach Cornerstone gospel choir. As I stated before we were at Seal Beach Grace Community church and all week Seal Beach area had been rolling from huge waves but there was some "Solid Rocking" going on in that place! I don't believe anyone left that church like that came. The anointing was there for the asking! I didn't want to stop but we were out of songs. I'll make sure instead of 10 we'll have 15 prepared! LOL!

The choir had worked hard and was prepared more so than I've ever seen. They've actually been ready for almost a couple of weeks so the concert date couldn't come soon enough. The rehearsals just turned into run throughs and confidence builders because we had a lot of new members and new soloists as well. But they loved to rehearse! I haven't experienced that in a long time. I can remember way back when I was a church choir director having to beg people to come to rehearsals. We can't rehearse enough for some of these members. Here is a statement from one of the choir members: Gospel choirのコンサート終わったから金曜何すればいいかわからんんんんんんんーーーーー!!!!!!!!

I don't know what to do on Friday night without gospel choir...........

The rehearsals are not just a time for learning, singing gospel music and listening to my big mouthbut also a time for fellowship, encouragementand sharing about that good news gospel. Indeed some powerful times in rehearsal! I believe the percentage of members that become born again believers in the choir is higher than the rate in the country of Japan based on time spent with them. But it doesn't stop there. When the members leave to go back to Japan they are plugged into churches and/or choir networks in their home towns. The main network is HGF, "Hallelujah Gospel Family" choir which I am partnered with. It's not just about the music but the message in the musicthat's important. Also there indeed is follow up and follow through on both ends for the members. They can become strangers in their own land but can't have that!

If you'd like to support my ministry here is the link to do so.

Thank you all and Blessings!


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