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Writer: ray7657ray7657

Yes Beloved, in case you're wondering if I've ever screwed up and made mistakes (even though I keep telling you I do) here is a royal screw up of "major league proportions" (but not as big as Dub Nation choking).

So my group, Firm Soundation is playing at the House of Blues gospel brunch for Father's Day in San Diego. I do all the scheduling no matter where I am in the world. Of course I'm not there, I'm still in Japan but they handle things! Cool! Usual preparation, rent a van but had to rent 2 mini vans because the 15 passengers were not available. No prob, everyone meets at my home at 6:30am and make the 2 and half hours drive up the coast south to San Diego. Usually arrive around 9am for sound check. We have lots of fun cause those people are crazy! Everything is working to perfection. Look at the pictures how they are sending messages between the vans!

I return from Super Sento and dinner with Ken and Hoopers around midnight and I feel like I'm going to sleep for a week because of how tired I am. Midnight here in Japan was 8am on Sunday in LA. I finally get in the bed around 1am (9am LA) and I got a message from my sister, who doesn't ride up with the other group members from LA because she lives in Rialto. Hey, there's another group here that says they are playing today for the brunch. Hmmm, ok maybe Hob has scheduled 2 groups to play for the brunch. That's happened before but they would have told me. Ok Sue, check it out and let me know. I'll get the conformation email that we're playing to make sure we're covered. No worries! I'm searching and searching and searching and searching and not finding. Hmmm, that's weird. I keep searching and searching. The other group members in the van have not made it yet so I'm still not panicking, not my style. Still not finding but everything I'm finding doesn't have us there. It's on my calendar and I wouldn't have put it there if it were not true!

Hob staff didn't know right away who was scheduled. I keep searching and searching but I realize it's not us until next month! Hob manager confirms, not us! OMG! I just had everyone on Father's Day travel to San Diego and we're not BOOKED! We are not playing! #%$%^&^&*^%%$$#! Even my mother and father are in one of the vans! I don't know how they got in there but they're there! Lord how could I make this mistake! Never ever, ever have I done anything like this! How can this be fixed Lord?

Well, something happened that even I am blown away with! Once the group members were made aware of the situation, I guess they figured the house blues stage was not big enough for them so they started ministering on the Gas Lamp district streets, singing and praying for folks! Wait a minute, what!!!!!!!!!!!! Who are these people? I didn't even know any of them were saved! I thought I was working with all Heathens in the group! The group's name is "Firm Soundation" but I was changing our tag line to "Wherefore do the Heathens Clamor." LOL! Just kidding. (maybe)

So I'm starting to see a pattern here. In all my screw ups, God shows up! In my calling He has told me He will bless my efforts but for Him to bless my efforts, I have to make an effort! I take Him out of the equation if I don't make an effort. That's a word for someone right there!

We've been a blessed group with some great opportunities and I can guarantee you that will continue with the group members making those kinds of efforts. Being a blessing to other and sharing the good news gospel! God is Awesome!


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